From vision to action
The Sakura Tree was born to share, on a global level, our greatest passion: education, the true science of man. Creating a better humanity starting from our self-education, from the choice of a conscious education for our children who will be the adults of tomorrow, in a time that is not that far away. We want to share our knowledge, holistic educational approaches, hands-on activities and inspirational ideas for children to as many people as possible, whether they be educators, parents, teachers or individuals who are interested in these topics.
We want to both inspire and be inspired by the global community and by people from all walks of life, nationalities, and educational levels so as to create a new global humanity based on the values of collaboration, justice, peace and altruism.
Creativity never stops. Children are creative by nature. We only need to stimulate their creative mind.
Human values need to be passed onto our children through our examples in daily life
Self-education is the key to learning about yourself and helping our children to thrive and reach their full potential
The importance of various holistic educational approaches that have in common the goal of developing and nurturing the child as a whole. We are deeping the best educators and holistic thinkers all over the world, like Montessori, Steiner, Alice Bailey, Khrishnamurti, Edgar Morin, Ron Miller etc.., that have stressed on holistic education for the development of a better humanity.